Camilla Mileto is an architect from IUAV – Universitá di Venezia (Italy),  master's degree in Heritage Conservation and PhD in architecture from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and she is full professor of Architectural Conservation at the same university. She deals with heritage conservation with a special interest in traditional construction techniques on which she has published numerous books and articles (website: resarquitectura.blogs.upv.es). Her interest in contemporary jewelry develops from the research of the interaction between artisanal technique and design, as well as a search in the areas of materials, shapes, textures and the processes of materialization of the idea. She tries to transfer to jewelry the themes of her interest such as architecture, heritage, the cultural landscape, but also her reflection on women and the current world.


Collective exhibitions:
Fabrikando-Intramurs (Valencia, España, 2014)
Gioielli in Fermento 2015 (Ziano Piacentino, Italia, 2015)
Seguimos Fabrikando-Intramurs (Valencia, España, 2015)
Jewelry and Architecture (Oporto, Portugal, 2015)
Amber Trip (Vilnius, Lituania, 2016)
Tribute to Frida Kahlo (Vicenza, Italia, 2016)
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 (Ziano Piacentino, Italia, 2016)
My Home (Magan Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido, 2016)
Art Nouveau (Vicenza, Italia, 2016)
Jewelry and Cinema (Oporto, 2016)
Joya (Barcelona, España, 2016)
(3.3)+3 (Valencia, España, 2016)
The Brooch (Vicenza, Italia, 2017)
Wooden Jewellery (Trento, Italia, 2019)
Antivirus (Oporto, Portugal, 2020)
Premio Divino Gioiello (Nogaredo, Trento, Italia, 2021)
Amber Trip (Vilnius, Lituania, 2023)
Slovenian Jewelry Week (Maribor, Eslovenia, 2023)

E. Negroni, Gioielli in Fermento, 2015
A. Pina, Jewellery and Architecture, 2015
E. Negroni, Gioielli in Fermento, 2016
F. Canapa, "Tribute to Frida Khalo", en Vicenza Jewellery, n. 30, 2016
F. Canapa, "Art Nouveau", en Vicenza Jewellery, n. 31, 2017

Semifinalista en Enjoia't 2016 
